Summary Dissolution
Starting in 2011, if less than five years went by between the date you married and the date of separation then you may qualify for this perhaps more simple and inexpensive form of agreed upon divorce. (Only one filing fee is required and both parties sign the agreement that becomes the judgment). This is true even if it has been years since you separated. This type of divorce allows you both to agree on dividing the community property and debts. Most people do not use this method for divorce. This is due to the prohibition on having children, real estate, separate or community assets greater than $41,000 (excluding cars), or more that $6000 in community debt. Both parties must waive their right to spousal support in this type of divorce.
Uncontested Divorce
The above restrictions do not apply to an uncontested divorce. But, there is still only one filing fee, both and both parties sign the stipulated judgment. The paperwork required however is somewhat more complicated than that required for a Summary dissolution. See the Uncontested Divorce and Paternity page for more information. This is one of the services we provide for a fixed fee.