Lamoreaux Justice Center
341 The City Drive South
Orange, CA 92868-3205
It is difficult to give advice about this courthouse and county. Each family law courtroom has its own rules for how to appear both remotely and in person. This seems to be a result of a major conflict within the OC family law division due to the pandemic, and resulting in a lot of transfers, and retirements. I can only refer you to the court’s website for further information regarding court procedures. However, as a result, I am no longer willing to accept anything but uncontested cases in Orange County because of what I consider to be the extreme use of local, local rules. (i.e. not only does the county have its own unique rules but also so do the individual judicial officers) I strongly suggest that if you have to have a contested divorce that you move to LA county and file your divorce from there. (though the use of local local rules exist there also – just not as much)